The psychologist spoke about the marriage at first sight couple. What he said carries a lot of weight

The psychologist spoke about the marriage at first sight couple. What he said carries a lot of weight
The psychologist spoke about the marriage at first sight couple. What he said carries a lot of weight

The matchmaking program of TV2 has many surprises and twists in store, where the couples met at the altar and got married right away. After such a beginning comes the big test, will the married couple stay together or break up? Well, it seems that the Marriage at first sight in the show, there is already the first breakup: Andris and Petra couldn’t take it anymore.

The psychologist of Marriage at First Sight speaks

The expert analyzed the Married at First Sight couples for Best and told who he thinks have improved the most. He emphasized that the development of HIlda and Laci is very visible, they have really polished each other:

— Ez annak köszönhető, hogy el tudták engedni a berögzült párkapcsolati mintákat, és okosan, finoman, támogatóan közelednek egymás felé. Az ő fejlődésük, azt gondolom, hogy sokak számára tanulságos lehet, hisz mindannyian beleestünk már abba a hibába, hogy foggal-körömmel ragaszkodunk a megszokott választásainkhoz, ellenben az új lehetőségeket leértékeljük. Hilda és Laci is éppen így kezdte, de kiléptek a komfortzónájukból, és átengedték magukat valami újnak, ami által mind egyénileg, mind párkapcsolatilag sokat fejlődtek.

What no one thought happened happened! They are still together after a year, they have become a real couple in Marriage at First Sight


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The article is in Hungarian

Tags: psychologist spoke marriage sight couple carries lot weight


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