Today, Hungary has a reputation in international politics –

Today, Hungary has a reputation in international politics –
Today, Hungary has a reputation in international politics –

Today, Hungary has a reputation in international politics, which is unusual considering the size of the country, Viktor Orbán explained at CPAC Hungary.

While the whole of Europe was flooded by the progressive-liberal ocean, a conservative island remained here, explained the Prime Minister.

This is a conservative conference in Europe that they don’t want to ban, they don’t try to make it impossible, they don’t call the police. All this happened last week in Brussels, he declared.

He added: despite all the rumours, there is a rule of law here, everyone organizes the conference they want, says what they want.

Viktor Orbán put it this way: Compared to my Belgian colleague, the Belgian Prime Minister, even if I wanted to, I could not tell a Hungarian court what the right decision was. In fact, even if they were to tell me, they would definitely decide the opposite. Here’s how it goes. Hungarians don’t like others interfering in their affairs”.

“In Brussels, in the paradise of European liberals, European progressive life has already been realized. I remember the old joke from the time of the dictatorship: “Tell me, is this communism already, or will it get even worse?” – He told.

He recalled: two years ago, at the first CPAC, he spoke – with sufficient modesty – about Hungarian success, and last year about the functioning of the progressive-liberal lab in Brussels.

But – he continued – this year is not the year of theory, but of practice, there will be elections all over the world and these elections must be won.

The progressive-liberals feel the danger, the replacement of the era also means their replacement, so they are determined to do everything, they do not shy away from anything and now they are still in power. They are in power and do not hesitate to use their tools, he explained.

This is what is happening with Hungary in Brussels and with Trump in America, he added.

Viktor Orbán stated that we have to win in such a situation, maybe this is new for the Westerners, but not for us Eastern Europeans, since we saw how the communists built up the oppression.

We can put an end to this now, this year – if God wills it – we can end the world order based on progressive-liberal hegemony. This world order has failed, brought wars and impoverishment to the world, he said.

This world order has produced leaders who are not fit to be leaders, he declared.

“They know more about world peace than these two-handed leaders, even in a beauty pageant” he said.

We need a new world order, a sovereignist world order, in which there is no global ideology to which everyone must conform. This world order focuses on a protected society, in which the state protects its own citizens, instead of Soros’s open society, he explained.

“The supporters of the old world are sitting in Brussels, and although it is not my business to interfere in American politics, I am afraid that they are also sitting there in Washington. This is what we are doing this year. This year, we are committed to driving them out of there” – He told.

The article is in Hungarian

Tags: Today Hungary reputation international politics Cs3 .hu


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