Tech: “Failure is not an option” – brutal, bloody fights, full of thrills; on Rise of the Ronin


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April 2024. 21. 18:03


Its graphics are debatable, but there is no doubt that Rise of the Ronin has added an extremely exciting and equally bloody title to the PlayStation range. We tried it.

The first open-world game of Team Ninja, a development company with decades of history, guides visitors to 19th-century Japan – and its chaotic world. The recently released Rise of the Ronin is an action-packed title with a unique atmosphere, in which the player can take on the role of a ronin, i.e. a masterless samurai, and shape the course of history through missions.

The story of the game begins in 1853, when ships of the US Navy dock off the coast of Japan, led by Commander Matthew Perry. He comes with the promise to open Japan to the world, and the then Japanese shogun agreed to this.

Rise of the Ronin – Pre-Order Trailer | PS5 Games FORGE YOUR FATE Amidst the chaos of a country divided, Ronin steps forward to help shape the future of Japan. Pre-order Rise of the Ronin from December 14, 2023. Japan at the end of the 19th century was characterized by the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate, a period of oppression and stagnation.

Of course, it’s not that simple; many do not like the opening, and bloody fights develop between three parties:

  • who support the shogunate (Sabaku) and want to maintain the existing order,
  • the anti-shogunate (Tobaku), who were interested in restoring imperial rule,
  • and Western powers (Obei) who would open Japan to the world, ending Japan’s long-standing policy of isolation.

So the conflict is sharp, but so is the sword with which we have to put order, or at least restore the peace of Japan – and that too as a member of a pair of twins.

The first task is to choose the difficulty level – you can choose between Dawn, Dusk and Twilight, which cover easy, normal and hard gameplay. This can be changed later; the easier one focuses more on the story and also helps more in the fights. It can be ideal for those who are just making friends with the genre.

After that, you can customize your character, which may seem like a small thing, but it is amazingly detailed. Indeed. A depressing amount of time can be spent here until the final facial features are adjusted.


Everything can be adjusted down to the last hair

Rise of the Ronin / screenshot

After that, you can again spend a lot of time adjusting the ronin’s combat skills, from the beginner to the professional fighter.

“Failure is not an option”

After some practice, the first mission is nothing less than sneaking onto an American ship and stealing a secret message – and while we’re at it, kill Commander Perry too, if that’s the case.


On board the American ship

Rise of the Ronin / screenshot

Of course, finding the captain on the ship is not uneventful, but he will be the first serious opponent – and he will give up the lesson, being an extremely fast-moving, professional opponent. It may take some practice before the player learns all of his moves and successfully crushes them.

If you have that, there will be a real twist in the story, which we will not spoil anymore, but the adventure must be continued alone at this point. As so many times during the gameplay, individual dialogues also greatly influence the development of the story, as in the end the player has to make a decision on each issue.

Blood and adventure

Rise of the Ronin never lets the player rest for a moment; opponents can jump out from almost anywhere, and you can choose from a range of weapons to defeat them – thus increasing their so-called ki-value. (The same applies to our character, of course.)


Rise of the Ronin / screenshot

Clashes are by no means boring, tactics and skillful selection of weapons matter a lot. There are three different maps to roam and several cities to visit during missions.

Graphics, verdict

What makes the game a lot of criticism is the graphics. It is certain that it does not bring the level of 2024, the appearance of the characters is far from the realistic level, it is lost somewhere between an anime and reality.

Of course, the anime style would suit a historical Japanese game well, but Ronin might have benefited from a little better graphics. By the way, in addition to the less realistic characters, the buildings, landscapes and cities look much more developed.

However, despite the graphics reminiscent of the old days, the game can only be purchased for the PlayStation 5, it is not available for the PS4.

All in all, Rise of the Ronin is a great title built around an adventure story with decent graphics. It is certain that for the price of HUF 30,000, Ronin offers a lot of special offers, which are full of blood, and you can’t go through them in a few moments.

You can find more of our game tests here. If you want to be informed about them regularly, like and follow the Facebook page of the HVG Tech section.

We recommend it from the front page

Fidesz has not been able to wake up from its nightmare for two months, street fighter Orbán may be defeated on several fronts

Another rescue of Zoltán Balog: He wanted to help a pastor who was about to be taken away in handcuffs

Bishop Balog spoke in a narrow, church circle about how he was thinking about how to “save” someone so that he would not be illegal because of it, as a signal to politicians and public figures.

According to the expert speaking to the newspaper, the club will be able to spend the money of the Russians not on the signing of one football star, but on the signing of several lesser-known but quality players.

Orbán uses the word war four times in one sentence

The campaign message is quite clear.

What do I need to know before buying an apartment? What if I sell my home? – Cash key #13

Fortunately, the accident in Cankiri, located about 120 kilometers from Ankara, only caused material damage, and no one was injured.

Péter Magyar kicks the door to the graveyard of Hungarian regime changes in drMáriás's latest picture

The artist also wrote a lesson for it.

It’s getting worse.

The Hungarian-Slovak duo can significantly delay the aid to Kiev and the introduction of new sanctions.

The article is in Hungarian

Tags: Tech Failure option brutal bloody fights full thrills Rise Ronin


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