A short film made with contributors from Transylvania competes in Cannes


The short film It’ll Pass (Praeis), several crew members of which are Hungarian, was included in the student film competition of the Cannes Film Festival, Filmtett wrote.

The festival recently published its selection of two short films. It’ll Pass competes in the La Cinef section alongside 17 works. The director and screenwriter of the film produced at the London Film School is the Lithuanian Dovydas Drakšas, and the members of the international crew include four Hungarian creators, including three from Transylvania, former graduates of the Sapientia EMTE film department: cinematographer Tamás Méder, editor László Dunai and sound engineer Tamás Jeszenszky. Ádám Buruncz worked as chief lighting officer on the short film.

The selection of La Cinef and the 11 works included in the short film competition are decided by a jury led by Belgian actress Lubna Azabal, the other members of the board are French filmmaker, screenwriter, producer Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar, festival organizer Paolo Moretti, French producer and director Claudine Nougaret, and Vladimir Perišić is a Serbian film director and screenwriter. The La Cinef award will be presented on May 23, and the short film competition awards will be presented at the festival’s closing event on May 25.

The 77th Cannes Film Festival, which runs from May 14 to 25, announced its final selection on Monday. As it turned out, two Romanian films will also be screened: Emanuel Pârvu’s LGBTQ-themed film Trei kilometeri pêve la căuful lumii in the competition section, and the documentary film about the former tennis legend Ilie Năstase, directed by Tudor Giurgiu, Cristian Pascariu and Tudor D. Popescu, will be a featured event.


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