At home: Students received cheeky questions at the Semmelweis oral entrance exam, an immediate investigation was launched against one of the exam chairpersons


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April 2024. 24. 17:34

April 2024. 24. 17:50

At home

There were those who were asked about their weight, but there were also those who had to answer what they would do if, as a doctor, a young female student wanted to go up to their apartment.

Thanks to the changed admission procedures, for the first time this year, universities have the opportunity to invite students who apply to them for an oral interview. Hungarian medical universities, such as Semmelweis University, University of Pécs, University of Szeged and University of Debrecen, also seized the opportunity and held mandatory admission interviews.

Applicants for general medical training had to bring a CV, a letter of motivation and a teacher’s recommendation to the oral examination. In addition, the students had to watch 37 short films and university educational videos, and the committees were curious about whether the students had watched the videos and which of them they liked and why. In addition, the applicants had to solve a set of situational tasks, with the help of which the examiners analyzed the students’ personality and problem-solving ability.

Face-burning questions

The Eduline– one of the students applying to Semmelweis told about his admissions interview, where he received very strange and personal questions. The girl, whom the paper calls Helga for the sake of anonymity, received a phone call 3 days before the exam asking if she could arrive two hours earlier, i.e. at 8 a.m. instead of 10 a.m. Several students were called for a date, and they agreed to enter in the order of arrival – the examination board did not care who entered first – so Helga finally got her turn after more than 2 hours of waiting.

The member of the examination board started making phone calls at the beginning of the conversation, while another lady asked questions based on Helga’s resume, such as whether there are any doctors in the family. At one point in the conversation, the caller connected back and took over, asking Helga which video she liked. According to Helga, she always felt that they wanted to involve her in everything she said, and when she talked about her diabetes, they asked her “how many kilos does she weigh?”.

Since I didn’t want to say it, I answered that I am definitely more than the 60 kilos I talked about earlier. The man then announced that it’s a big problem that I’m already overweight, but I’m lucky because I don’t look morbidly overweight

he said EdulineHelga said, and the question surprised the other examiner as well, at least that was what you could read on his face.

However, according to the students’ feedback, not only Helga received personal comments during the Semmelweis admissions, Tamás Palya, who was previously in the VI. He was a mathematics and chemistry teacher at the Kölcsey Ferenc High School in the district. It is Tamás Palya Edulineshared several such stories with There was someone who was asked if he had a boyfriend, another student who was Muslim and wearing a hijab was asked about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but there was also someone who had to take part in a situational exercise, the essence of which was what he would do , if, as a male doctor, a student of a young girl asked him if he could come to his apartment. After the student answered with a clear no, the committee noted that in the old days, a similar workplace relationship may not have been part of the norm, but perhaps it is today.

The portal also contacted Semmelweis University, from whom they received the information that “complaints were received from two members of one of the committees due to the excessively critical statements of the committee chairperson, and after an immediate investigation of the case, the results of the exam chairperson were excluded, and the admission scores of the students concerned the score was established taking into account the opinions of the other two members”.

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The article is in Hungarian

Tags: home Students received cheeky questions Semmelweis oral entrance exam investigation launched exam chairpersons


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