Business: SPAR leader on possible withdrawal: “I don’t think so”


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April 2024. 24. 11:14

April 2024. 24. 11:45


Ivan Stoychev

Hungarians bought less at SPAR last year than a year earlier, but the store chain would still have been profitable, but the HUF 30 billion special tax sent the company into the red. The company’s managers have not yet received any notification that the government would have sued SPAR, and they consider it likely that the store will not leave Hungary.

SPAR Magyarország became unprofitable in 2023 as well – said Gabriella Heiszler, President and Managing Director of SPAR Magyarország. He could not provide a specific figure for this yet (the deadline for submitting the annual report is May 31), but in response to our question he undertook an estimate: the magnitude of the current loss is roughly the same as a year earlier – in 2022, the loss was HUF 13 billion.

The special tax sent the result into the red: the company paid nearly HUF 30 billion in special tax last year. And this means that the investments have decreased, after 32 billion in 2021 and 31 billion in 2022, to 22 billion forints, you really have to consider what they spend on, said Gabriella Heiszler.

The turnover decreased by roughly 4 percent, if you look at the amount of products sold, this is a much smaller decline than the 8 percent measured in the national retail average. And for the first time in forints, SPAR’s annual turnover reached four-digit billions: last year, customers spent HUF 1,023 billion there, which meant an increase of 15.79 percent – that is, the increase was below inflation.

Minister of National Economy Márton Nagy threatened SPAR with a lawsuit, Heiszler said at the press conference that they had not yet received any official notification of a lawsuit.

When asked whether SPAR plans to withdraw from Hungary, Gabriella Heiszler said:

“I don’t decide that, it’s the owner, but as far as I talk to him, I don’t think so.”

And when asked whether there had really been an inquiry from one of Viktor Orbán’s relatives to buy SPAR stores in Hungary – specifically, the name of István Tiborcz was mentioned, but the prime minister’s son-in-law denied that he had such a plan – he also only said that the Austrian owners of the business should know this, not the managers of the Hungarian subsidiary. There is a conflict situation now, everyone is working to end it, he added.

This is how customers saved

In addition to the decline in total turnover, there was growth in one segment: 3.8 percent more of private label products were bought than a year earlier, and 19.3 percent more money was paid for these goods. Own-brand goods thus represented exactly one third of the company’s total turnover, said managing director Eduard Vonier. This was a common phenomenon in Hungarian stores last year: people had so little money left that they started buying cheaper own-brand products in much larger quantities than before.

Online shopping is still a very small part of sales at SPAR. They also said that HUF 26,590 is the amount of an average online purchase.

The franchise network accounts for 13 percent of the company’s turnover, 134 billion forints, which includes already existing stores in smaller settlements and gas station stores, for which SPAR provides the business background and, of course, the brand name. There are currently 273 such stores, of which 22 were opened last year, added managing director Zsolt Szalay. The Regnum Húsüzem in Bicske brought in another almost HUF 66 billion in revenue.

Redemption can start as early as spring

In response to our question, the company’s managers also said that the own-brand, 50 forint returnable single-use bottles will soon be available in stores. The first bottles were delivered to the logistics warehouses during these weeks, and customers can meet them within 1-2 weeks. Maybe one store will still have the old bottles, and a few hundred meters away will have the new ones, the weeks of change will not be easy for either the employees or the customers, but after a few months everyone will get used to it, Heiszler told our question.

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The webshop does not work, the branches are closed, the company is in a new location.

The company’s managers have not yet received any notification that the government would have sued SPAR.

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The article is in Hungarian

Tags: Business SPAR leader withdrawal dont


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