Tata hosts the Hungarian Tree Climbing Championship

Tata hosts the Hungarian Tree Climbing Championship
Tata hosts the Hungarian Tree Climbing Championship

Dad hosts the MFE Hungarian Tree Climbing Championship this year. The Association of Hungarian Wood Nurses will hold the event between September 13 and 15 on the shores of Öreg-tó.

Hungarian Tree Climbing Championship presentation
Photo: Márió Zetovics / Source: 24 Hours

Hungarian Tree Climbing Championship in Tata

– This is a rapidly developing, relatively new profession. The colleagues will present the technique, what is tree climbing, and what is the modern technique of the genre – began Gábor Ócsvári, president of the Association of Hungarian Arborists, who added:

– This is an international competition with fixed competition numbers. Such competitions have been taking place in our country for about ten years. Special tools must be used in this case. The most important thing is safety, it is the basis of competition.

Everyone climbs with their own equipment, but there is a check before the competition. Anything that does not meet the specifications cannot be used. The tree nurses carry out the unique care and maintenance of the trees in the residential environment. Tree care is a collective term that includes artificial
activities related to trees standing in the environment, from tree planting, to maintenance with alpine techniques – in the last case, to the replacement /cutting down of the tree.

In our country, the professional training of tree groomers and the protection of the interests of trees is carried out by the Hungarian Association of Tree Groomers (MFE), so the Hungarian Tree Climbing Championship is also organized under the auspices of the MFE. Tree climbing competitions have been organized for a long time, the first official event was held in 1976 in the USA, organized by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). ISA is an organization that unites worldwide
tree climbers and people working with trees.

– We also organize educational programs, part of our plan is to hold educational conferences. Also for professionals: tree inspectors and tree care providers, he added.

The article is in Hungarian


Tags: Tata hosts Hungarian Tree Climbing Championship


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