Car: Spanish virtus: the latest Cupra, the 340-horsepower Tavascan, debuted in the heart of Budapest


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April 2024. 25. 08:41


The purely electric Cupra Tavascan made in China has arrived in Hungary, which will soon be followed by the Győr-produced, mixed-drive Terramar.

The sporty sub-brand Cupra, which was spun off from the Spanish brand of the Volkswagen group, Seat, six years ago, opened a new exclusive showroom in Budapest.

The manufacturer’s brand new electric car, the Tavascan, can be viewed for the first time in Hungary in the approximately 100 square meter Cupra Garage opened in the heart of the city, on Károly körút.


Even under the guise of Tavascan, guests from the Spanish center also came to the opening

Ferenc László

In addition to the silent SUV, visitors can also encounter a real specialty, a copy of the highly limited series Formentor VZ5 Century Bronze Limited.

Only 222 units of the Formentor VZ5 special edition equipped with a 390 hp 5-cylinder Audi engine, which we also thoroughly tested, will be produced.


Ádám Rozgonyi, Cupra’s domestic brand director, presented the new leisure car

Ferenc László


Cupra Formentor VZ5 Limited Edition, a total of 444 copies of the two versions will be produced


Chinese Spanish

Tavascan is a small Catalan town near the French and Andorran borders, more than 1100 meters high in the mountains. The latest Cupra was developed in Barcelona, ​​but unlike the first real Cupra, the Formentor, it is not produced in the brand’s home country, but in distant China, on Volkswagen’s local production lines.

The front of Cupra’s first purely electric SUV coupe is dominated by smart matrix LED headlights adorned with triangular motifs, and the characteristic brand logo proudly lights up in the front-central part of the muscular hood.


Cupra Tavascan

Ferenc László

The handles of the novelty, which is available in six different finishes, have LED lighting and when opened, the Cupra logo is projected onto the ground.

The side view is dominated by the dynamically sloping rear roof line, recessed door handles, and huge 21-inch wheels. The forged light-alloy rims are fitted with 255-millimeter-wide sports tires, so you don’t really have to worry about a lack of grip.


Cupra Tavascan

Ferenc László

There is a 540-liter luggage compartment behind the high-opening door of the shaped rear part, which is decorated with an illuminated logo and diffuser, which is significantly larger than the 420-liter boot of the Formentor, which is produced in internal combustion engine and plug-in hybrid versions.

The Tavascan is 20 centimeters longer and 9 centimeters higher than the Formentor, and in terms of size and design, the VW ID.5, the Skoda Enyaq Coupé and the Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron are closest to it within the concern.


Cupra Tavascan

Ferenc László

The new model with a length of 4.64 meters, a width of 1.86 meters, a height of 1.6 meters and a wheelbase of 2.77 meters is approximately in the league of the Peugeot 408 and the BMW X4.

The Seat Tarraco, which was also produced in a 7-seater version and was recently discontinued, is 9 centimeters longer and 6 centimeters higher than the Tavascan, but its wheelbase is only 2 centimeters longer.


Cupra Tavascan

Ferenc László

What’s it like inside?

The concept of the huge touchscreen combined with the small digital panel may be familiar from the recently debuted “electric Passat”, the ID.7, but of course the atmosphere of the conservative German and the more futuristic Spanish model is very different.

Behind the steering wheel is a 5.3-inch instrument panel, while the infotainment display has a 15-inch diagonal, which is a new record for the Cupra.


Cupra Tavascan

Ferenc László

Finally, the touch bar used to adjust the climate and volume has a backlight, the user interface can be customized using widgets, and of course we get full Android Auto and Apple CarPlay support.

The HUD equipped with an augmented reality function projects onto the windshield, and the 12-speaker hi-fi was fine-tuned by Sennheiser specialists for the first time. On the highway, the car is now also capable of automatic lane changes, which can even be remotely controlled from our smartphone while parking.

The sports seat is included in the basic price, and the expectedly more serious clamshell seat will also be available in the range.


Cupra Tavascan

Ferenc László

He’s not weak

Based on Volkswagen’s already well-known MEB platform, the Tavascan base model drives the rear wheels with an electric motor with 286 horsepower and 545 Nm of torque. This Endurance model can sprint from 0-50 in 3 seconds and 0-100 in 6.8 seconds and has a range of 547 kilometers.

The VZ all-wheel drive version also has a front electric motor capable of producing 109 horsepower and 134 Nm. The end result is 340 horsepower, which enables 0-50 km/h in 2.4 seconds and 0-100 in 5.6 seconds.


Cupra Tavascan

Ferenc László

The water-cooled lithium-ion battery with a net capacity of 77 kWh enables a range of 517 kilometers in the case of the more powerful model, the heat pump is unfortunately an extra charge.

In an ideal case, we can “refuel” a range of up to 100 kilometers in 7 minutes, and a charge from 10 to 80 percent takes about 30 minutes, if of course we find a DC charger capable of at least 135 kW.


Cupra Tavascan

Ferenc László

By switching the gear shifter from D to B mode, you can enjoy a one-pedal driving experience with a very serious engine brake, the strength of recuperation can even be adjusted manually in four stages with the small tabs behind the steering wheel.

The following operating modes are available: Range, Comfort, Performance, Cupra, Individual and Traction, the last of which is only available in the all-wheel drive version.


Cupra Tavascan

Ferenc László

How much does it cost?

The manufacturer promises that driving the Tavascan will be a great experience, thanks to, among other things, the near-ideal weight distribution of 49:51, the low center of mass, the adaptive sports chassis and the progressive steering.

After the first driving opportunity, we will also be able to report on our related experiences.


Prices have not yet been revealed. One of the main rivals within the concern, the 340-horsepower VW ID.5 GTX, starts at HUF 25.3 million, and the Skoda Enyaq Coupé RS with the same performance can be driven home after paying a minimum of HUF 28.7 million.

The domestic base price of the 340-horsepower Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron is HUF 26.3 million.


What else is coming?

The production of the Cupra Terramar, the only one produced here in the world, will begin in September at the Audi plant in Győr. This 4.58-meter-long, 540-liter trunk space SUV with a traditional design will likely be available with mild hybrid gasoline, plug-in hybrid gasoline, and diesel drives.


Cupra Terramar, the sister model of the also brand new VW Tiguan


In 2025, Cupra’s all-new compact electric crossover Raval, formerly known as Urban Rebel, will debut.

This 4.03-meter front-wheel-drive novelty promises 226 horsepower and a range of 440 kilometers, and will be made at Seat’s currently expanding Spanish factory in Martorell, where parts for several VW brands will also be produced.


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Tóta W.: Wake up, Romanian!

Well, what would happen if Romania copied Hungary’s law on the protection of sovereignty, asks our author. Could the Hungarian government say anything about that?

Viktor Orbán should reverse the trend that started in the spring.

If someone blitzes and falls, he can be fined 50-310 euros.

Government information: Gergely Gulyás was heard as a witness in relation to Péter Magyar's audio recording

The bidding for the famous sunglasses took place in public, Magyar offered the money for charity.

The article is in Hungarian

Tags: Car Spanish virtus latest Cupra #340horsepower Tavascan debuted heart Budapest


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