Tech: They are building a special network around the Earth: Sierra Space would deliver an aid package to any part of the world in 90 minutes


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April 2024. 21. 08:03


According to the American Sierra Space, with the help of a network of properly placed space probes, it would be possible to respond immediately to disasters affecting any area of ​​the world.

Parcel delivery services have now reached the point where the expected package can arrive within a few days of the order, and within a large city the matter can be resolved within hours. However, there is no transporter globally capable of such speed, which is mainly a problem because when you need to take the equipment needed for rescue to a disaster area, every minute counts.

The American company Sierra Space plans to deliver its cargo anywhere in the world in 90 minutes with its service called Ghost. The Chinese Alibaba is also working on a similar solution, which would deliver the package ordered by the customer to any part of the world in 60 minutes with the help of a rocket – the latter, however, does not seem to be a commercially viable solution due to the certainly high shipping costs.

Sierra Space’s Ghost is based on a revolutionary new cargo spacecraft, which uses its advanced thermal protection system to deliver the cargo to its destination. According to Tom Vice, CEO of Sierra Space, with the right placement of packages, any point on Earth can be reached within 90 minutes.

The company has already completed the drop test: the structure containing the cargo was released from a height of 610 meters in order to assess the operation of the parachute, the impact and the dynamics of the descent. In the future, the same test will be carried out from a higher height, writes a Gizmodo.

The dropped package must land within 91 meters (100 yards) of the target.

Sierra Space would deploy pre-charged spacecraft into space. Their cargo may include survival kits, inflatable boats, food, weapons, and other items. When needed, the respective probe is activated, which begins its descent towards Earth. Along the way, it uses a heat shield to withstand its 1,100 degree Celsius temperature as it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere. The space probes will wait for deployment for five years, then those that are not used will be returned to Earth.

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Tags: Tech building special network Earth Sierra Space deliver aid package part world minutes


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