Tech: And then Dubai was faced with the reality of climate change – which will also face us


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April 2024. 21. 20:03


At least two years’ worth of rainfall fell on Dubai in 24 hours at the beginning of the third week of April. The unexpected amount of water caused enormous chaos in the city, and the consequences are still in sight. It is becoming more and more apparent that the United Arab Emirates must also face climate change, and must spend on things that were not thought of before.

In the early hours of April 16, it started to rain in Dubai. It didn’t catch anyone by surprise, because the weather services had already indicated days earlier that rain was expected (predicting a roughly 50-60 percent chance), but what actually happened, no one expected. The torrential rain fell almost non-stop, and if it stopped for half an hour, then it continued with even greater force. There were periods during the day when twilight darkness fell over the city, and there was hardly a second’s pause between the lightning strikes.

After that, it is not so surprising that in a city that is constantly suffering from the consequences of a lack of rainfall, the previously unimaginable chaos caused by such a quantity of rainfall (at least not since the beginning of records in 1949), for which the drainage systems were not prepared. Underground parking lots were flooded, multi-lane highways turned into rivers, Dubai’s main airport turned into a real sea and had to suspend its operations for a while. Many schools were soaked and closed, as were shopping centers. It was impossible to travel, Dubai trapped its residents.

The artificial lakes in the city overflowed, flooding the villas and houses of the residential parks located in lower areas. There were places where they couldn’t even get out because of the water, at most by rubber boat, and in many places the electricity supply was also cut off. And although the weather has since returned to the “old” one, i.e. the sun shines for seven days and it is 30-32 degrees during the day, the water has still remained in many places. There are priorities in cleanup, so many people in less prioritized areas now have to live with pronounced public health risks. In many places, tap water is not even recommended for brushing teeth, and everyone is asked to limit washing and dishwashing as much as possible.

The justly envied “wonder city” is now experiencing perhaps the most difficult days in its history, and at the same time it has to face the effects of climate change for which it is not yet prepared. Of course, this is no wonder, since – says Lisa Dale, a climate adaptation expert at the American Columbia University – Dubai can only prepare for what it sees within the range of future probabilities. However, predictions of future weather patterns are based on past weather patterns, so it is understandable that, like many governments, Dubai’s leadership is unprepared for the historically uncommon effects of climate change.


Human-caused climate change is making extreme weather events such as heat and rain more intense, more frequent and harder to predict. Although longer-term scientific forecasts suggest that the Middle East will likely face higher temperatures and a decrease in overall rainfall, researchers say these very dry places will also see storms that bring unprecedented amounts of rain. And this is forcing governments to consider how they will adapt to these rare but devastating weather events.

“Cities in arid regions may be particularly ill-prepared for heavy rains, as buildings, landscapes and infrastructure are not designed with drainage capacity as a primary consideration,” he quotes the Business Standard Zachary Lambet, assistant professor at the University of California. Related to this is that stormwater management systems have historically been seen as an “unnecessary cost” in the UAE, however, as rainfall increases in the region and events like the current one become more likely, the economic case for said systems will become stronger.


The current weather anomaly has also drawn attention to the cloud feeding program of the United Arab Emirates. So much so that many attributed the never-before-seen storm to it. But Auroop Ganguly, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Northeastern University in Boston, said it would take “significant data analysis” to determine what role, if any, such programs have played in making the rainfall more extreme.

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April 2024. 21. 20:00


Dániel Karsai was asked: is this his last interview?

It’s getting worse.

Péter Magyar kicks the door to the graveyard of Hungarian regime changes in drMáriás's latest picture

The artist also wrote a lesson for it.

Lajos Nagy Parti in my week: Orbán seems to have performed as a large group in a cabaret show kindergarten

On Sunday evening, the bid was 2 million.

According to the theater director, it would not be too late to protest against the government even today, but in twenty years it will be.

The article is in Hungarian

Tags: Tech Dubai faced reality climate change face


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