Tech: ‘Bad at almost everything’ – here are the first reviews of the gadget that would replace smartphones


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April 2024. 22. 10:03


Humane’s Ai PIN, an artificial intelligence-based wearable (attached to clothing) device, whose developers are also talking about replacing smartphones, looked promising. Well, this is what, it seems, there is no need to fear for now.

It is no coincidence that the tech press picked up on the news of the wearable device called Ai Pin, because the gadget was designed by two former senior employees of Apple. In addition, they promised nothing less than that the new AI-powered device (which projects information on the user’s hand instead of using a screen) could even replace smartphones. The Apple Watch-sized device has a microphone, speaker, laser projector and, of course, various sensors. It can be controlled by voice and a small touch screen. It can be attached to clothes using magnets. And of course, it didn’t matter that the startup behind the device, Humane, was able to get hundreds of millions of dollars in investment thanks to former Apple employees.

It’s here, it’s official: the device that would replace smartphones has been presented

After many months of waiting, the veil has been lifted from one of the most anticipated gadgets of this year, the Humane AI Pin. The soul of the device is of course artificial intelligence, but it also features many interesting solutions – for example, the way it can be attached to our clothes is quite unique. The price of the device is lower than expected, but due to an inevitable monthly subscription fee, it can still be considered high.

Ai Pin could be ordered months in advance, but its release kept slipping. The time has almost come for quite a few testers to try it out more closely, and what they have found is, for the most part, deplorable. However, there were also positives: a Bloomberg its well-known Apple expert, Mark Gurman, for example, rated the artificial intelligence (AI) as particularly good, which he says is on a par with other generative systems on the market. He also highlighted that the device can look at an object and then describe it aloud, which can be really useful for accessibility reasons, but not for much else, at least according to the specialist.

And he noted that Ai Pin often reacts slowly and often does not recognize touch gestures as a negative. It lacks key features, doesn’t have access to third-party apps, and is worryingly overheated. There were also times when the laser only projected a faint, vertical orange line onto his palm instead of the green surface. Setting up the gadget was also a challenge for him (even though he’s a seasoned pro), and he had to reboot the device a few times to get things working at all.

However, he considers control to be the really fundamental problem. Voice-controlled interfaces are difficult and not really effective (at most, if you are silent and alone). Siri is much more mature, but most users do not use it to operate their iPhone, just as Android users do not primarily use Google Assistant to perform their tasks. Gurman also finds the use of the laser-projected display inconvenient, and although he admits that it takes time to master any new interface, in this case it all seems too much. In addition, the laser display does not work well in bright light conditions and often does not appear when it should.

The well-known YouTuber Marques Brownlee, who has 18.5 million followers, expresses an even more extreme opinion. He considers Ai Pin a good idea in theory, but in practice it is the worst product he has ever had. According to Brownlee, even though you have a phone number, you can’t sync it with an existing smartphone, and he also sees the lack of customized apps as a problem. But the The Verge his co-worker wasn’t kinder either, he said that after several days of testing, the only thing he could really trust was that the Ai PIN would tell the exact time. And Francisco Jeromino, analyst of the market research company IDC, said a BBCthat Ai Pin is very interesting, but “doesn’t make sense” from the end user’s point of view.

Back to Mark Gurman: he thinks more and more people are saying, with good reason, that Humane should have made a phone or smartwatch app instead. This $700 hardware (plus the $24/month subscription) is not worth buying. At best, it can be an extra accessory for tech and AI fanatics who don’t spare the money.

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The EU's migration pact makes things difficult for immigrants, but this is not enough for Hungary

April 2024. 22. 09:30


Another rescue of Zoltán Balog: He wanted to help a pastor who was about to be taken away in handcuffs

Bishop Balog spoke in a narrow, church circle about how he was thinking about how to “save” someone so that he would not be illegal because of it, as a signal to politicians and public figures.

According to the expert speaking to the newspaper, the club will be able to spend the money of the Russians not on the signing of one football star, but on the signing of several lesser-known but quality players.

Orbán uses the word war four times in one sentence

The campaign message is quite clear.

Fidesz has not been able to wake up from its nightmare for two months, street fighter Orbán may be defeated on several fronts

Politico published a list of politicians who, for better or for worse, created something outstanding between 2019 and 2024.

Hadházy published photos of this.

The article is in Hungarian

Tags: Tech Bad reviews gadget replace smartphones


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