BAMA – The settlement has significant developments behind it


In Sátorhely, many improvements have been made in the past period – the building of the former elementary school, which was vacant two years ago, continues to function as a service center.

In addition to the doctor’s office and the village caretaker’s service, the mayor’s office and the post office, whose operation was recently taken over by the municipality, moved into the property.

– István Frank, Deputy Mayor of Sátorhely, detailed the recent changes.

The same building also houses the retirement club and the non-governmental organization dealing with the beautification of the settlement. In order to provide the service center with the most comfortable conditions possible, minor renovation works are expected in the future

added the deputy mayor.

The road crossing Sátorhely was also renewed as a significant development
Photo: S. Ö.

The road crossing Sátorhely has also been renewed, going all the way through the village from the Eszéki út junction, which is the most significant development in recent years

István Frank pointed out.

New ones took the place of the old bus stop in the settlement
Photo: S. Ö.

In connection with the realized road development investment, the municipality installed new ones in the place of the outdated bus stops in the settlement and also repaired the bus stops using its own resources, improving the conditions of public transport

added the deputy mayor.
As part of the Mohács 500 program, the construction of a bicycle path will soon begin – the design documentation has already been completed, and construction is expected to begin soon. The goal is for the bike path to connect Mohács with Villán from Eszéki út, passing in front of the historical monument, touching Sátorhely, Nagynyárád and Bóly. All of this is not only an important investment from a tourist point of view, but job opportunities will also expand with this kind of expansion of transportation options – the surrounding cities will become quickly and safely accessible by bicycle.

The modern kindergarten provides a significant attraction to the village
Photo: S. Ö.

The development of the kindergarten, which cost about forty million forints, was also a particularly important investment for the village, as the modern kindergarten is a major attraction for young families considering settling in Sátorhely.

– the deputy mayor continued to list the most important projects. Thanks to the village CSOK, if there is a house for sale in the settlement of 650 people, it finds a buyer very quickly – families with small children typically move in.
In addition to all of this, the community center has also been renovated, and a modern playground was built in the park within the framework of the Magyra Village Program, the expansion of which is also included in the plans if there is an opportunity to apply for it.

Both children and parents are happy with the new playground
Photo: S. Ö.

And the most important task affecting the future – as the deputy mayor put it – is the renovation and utilization of the almost completely vacant castle courtyard, currently under the management of Bóly Zrt., located in the central part of Sátorhely. The goal is for the local government to acquire management rights, then fix the dilapidated, crumbling, withering plaster, unaesthetic buildings in the middle of the village, and find a function for the property.

An important task for the future is the renovation of the castle courtyard

They help civil organizations in order to maintain a colorful community life

The local government of Sátorhely considers the support of civil organizations to be extremely important. The settlement supports the operation of the Sátorhelyi Folk Dance Association and the Sátorhelyi Sports Association with regular financial contributions, and the Sátorhelyért Egyesület also plays an important role in the life of the village.

The village day is one of the most popular community programs
Photo: S. Ö.

In addition to all this, there are also non-registered civil organizations, which also play a significant role in the life of the local community. The activities of the retirement club, the Banyaklub, which regularly assists at events, and the Szépító Kezek Egyesület, which undertakes the beautification of the village and the decoration of the village during the holidays, are all extremely important – the municipality also pays special attention to their support to the extent possible, in addition to financial assistance, for example by providing the premises necessary for their operation.
Civil organizations also have a prominent role in organizing major events in the settlement: the village day, interspersed with sports competitions, children’s programs, cultural shows, a cooking contest, and a street dance, is held every year on the second Saturday of August. In addition, the children’s day also has serious traditions in the village. In October, the elderly are in the center of attention – in connection with the Day of the Elderly, the local government welcomes residents over 65 years of age every year and treats them to a cultural program.

The compilation was made with the support of the Sátorhely Municipality.
Compiled by Kata Wald

The article is in Hungarian

Tags: BAMA settlement significant developments


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