
In the main tourism season that is slowly starting, a new Mihály Kolodkóthe attraction of the mini-sculpture, the artist from Subcarpathia, who lives and works partly in Vácott, recently sculpted it, cast it in bronze and placed it in a knot on a point of the Megyeri Bridge. Chuck Norris– shape.

The small statue is located on the side of the Megyeri bridge that connects road 2 between Vác and Budapest with the other side of the Danube, on the pedestrian path, by the glass sign with the inscription Pest.

Photo, featured image: Kolodko-Art

At the time, the Ministry of Economy and Transport announced an online vote on the name of the bridge. As a result, the name Chuck Norris bridge appeared on some news portals as one of the candidates for the vote. He received news about a situation showing the dark sides of democracy on the Internet Stephen Colbert also an American comedian, who then promoted construction in his show; in addition to recognizing his merits in the field of the country’s image, the representatives of the state hastened to note that, according to the law, a bridge can only be named after a prominent figure of Hungarian citizenship who has already passed away. The first three places in the poll are Stephen Colbert, John Stewart and Mikló Zrínyis, but the result was not taken into account in the end. The name “Megyeri Bridge” was given by the Geographical Names Committee based on the suggestion of an internet voter, referring to the fact that the bridge provides a direct road connection between Káposzta Megyer and Békás Megyer.


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