Zhvg: Wildflower programs, green corridors, bee restaurants – bee pastures in domestic cities


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April 2024. 24. 10:36


Vince Ballai

It started in Veszprém, but bee pastures became an issue in Budapest. There is a pollination operation, in others it is a sustainable lawn management, or the wildflower programs, which were launched for the sake of pollinating insects for more diverse ecosystems, from Veszprém, through Székesfehérvár to Budapest, are called the modest green corridor.

One of the world’s most urgent problems is environmental protection, the climate crisis, and sustainability. We have to pay special attention to these, so we have to treat them in a special place. Hence the title of our new subsection: Zhvg.

Urban bee pastures are innovations of the 21st century, at least that’s when public spaces began to be consciously designed to meet the needs of pollinating insects. The goal, as we wrote in our previous article, is to maintain diverse local living spaces in cities where insects are less threatened by pesticides. The initiative has many advantages beyond the fact that it supports the pollinators who play a key role in the survival of the ecosystem – and ultimately human civilization with them:

  • native plants adapted to local conditions can be grown in greater numbers, closing off the possibility of non-native invasive species that sometimes cause allergies (ragweed),
  • in this way, a healthier local ecosystem is more resistant to the adverse effects of climate change,
  • there is no absolute need for additional watering, nutrient supply and you also need to mow less often,
  • considerable costs can be saved as a result of the less intensive treatment,
  • it is better to look at the colorful, flowery meadows, green lanes, copper ones, and

they also serve as an extremely important environmental education location for children living in the city.

In accordance with the spirit of the times, several settlements in Hungary have decided to create bee pastures on urban green areas. The first such well-documented example is Veszprém, where preparations for the Veszprém Wildflower Program began in 2015. First, the number of mowings was reduced in the outer parts of the city, and then year after year gradually in the less used areas of the parks of the housing estates and inner city districts, and the wildflowers were allowed to grow, bloom, and produce seeds.

Such bee pastures – more specifically, the areas where extensive green space farming takes place – can be found in a total of eight locations in the city. When handling them, attention is also paid to collecting seeds when mowing, if possible. A couple of years ago, for example, the city blog reported that an area with sage was mowed with a collector, and then the sage-rich cuttings were spread in another area to add color to the plant community there as well.

Budapest is the place where the wider public got to know bee pastures, thanks to the ill-fated action of some overzealous (in the traditional sense) green-eared politicians. The Wild Flower Budapest program started in 2021, so this year it is entering its fourth year. Green areas in the city are extensively managed on a total of 30.4 hectares, which is 4.5 percent of the 6 million square meters of intensively maintained lawns.

Sándor Bardóczi: “We are surprised that the trees want to die”

It was an unpleasant surprise to see the terrible condition of our trees in public areas, said Sándor Bardóczi, Budapest’s chief landscape architect, in an interview with HVG. 80 percent of the trees suffer from some kind of disease, typically due to the irresponsible use of public land. But what can be done? We also asked Sándor Bardóczi about the creation of new green spaces, the green potential of Rákosrendező and the partial rehabilitation of the Városliget.

Bee pastures are mowed once a year: in late summer or early October, depending on where the flowers dry first and seed ripening is completed. The time of mowing may depend on the rainfall (if there is a drought, the summer should be earlier), public feedback, and the results of the monitoring (if any undesirable plant species are noticed).

“Urban bee pastures must also be treated like a good farmer,” said biologist Viktor Szigeti, scientific associate of the HUN-REN Ecological Research Center’s Lendület Ecosystem Service Research Group, who says that it will still take 3-4 years for bee pastures to show their true beauty. or the areas not necessarily explicitly designated for it, but mowed in a mosaic, managed in a sustainable manner.

According to a researcher monitoring the insect life of the bee pastures in Budapest with his colleagues at several locations, the Óbuda Island stands out among them, where more valuable species have been preserved. The area along Hegyalja út is a “beautiful and diverse habitat” near the Philosophers’ Garden, and you can also experience spectacular blooms in Tabán. The wild flower areas of the 12th district are beautiful and home to many species of insects. However, there are still some places where the program does not work well. This can be caused by bad soil contaminated with construction waste, or because seeds and pollinators cannot get in. As an example, he mentioned the middle green lane of Hunyadi János út, which runs along South Buda. In such places, overhead can help, but it is rarely used so far. It can also be difficult to obtain suitable, indigenous seed mixtures, although there are already companies that offer such, but their capacity is small for now.

According to their data, the insect fauna of the sown urban bee pastures in the 12th district is comparable to the insect fauna of the natural grasslands in Kiskunság in terms of species richness: 60 bee species, 14 diurnal moths, and 14 buzz fly species were observed during a preliminary study. According to the biologist, this is surprising even if the drought in Kiskunság is 2022 a similar preliminary study was carried out in 2008, and in the Hegyvidék the insect fauna was examined in the much wetter year of last year. On the other hand, he warned that this cannot be considered a scientific finding, but it clearly illustrates that

there is still biodiversity in the cities.

In Székesfehérvár, the program started in 2019, in the Sóstó Nature Reserve, and then they expanded the area where the grass is allowed to grow taller, pursuing sustainable turf management. This is perhaps the largest natural lawn management area of ​​any city, the quarter of Székesfehérvár’s four million square meters of regularly mown green space is mowed only twice a year, although the Sóstó-Homokbánya Nature Reserve is also included here.

In Szeged, the program launched in 2021 in collaboration with the municipality, the Mondolo Association and the University of Szeged is running with noble simplicity as Operation Pollinator. In the second phase of this, 22 such bee pastures will be maintained this year. According to local research, there are five to six times more insects in these areas compared to intensively mowed land, whether looking at the number of species or individuals.

In Debrecen, the creation of bee pastures similar to the above is taking place within the framework of the country’s most complex environmental protection program, the Green Code – although we are looking for this exact term in vain in the 50-point document, in which the creation of green corridors and green islands is set as the goal. A green corridor is being created, for example, along the Kondoros River, where they had already mowed less often and planted a mixture of wild flower seeds to please the pollinators, but already in 2021 “bee cafeterias” were established at the premises of Tiszamenti Regionalis Vízművek Zrt.

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The article is in Hungarian

Tags: Zhvg Wildflower programs green corridors bee restaurants bee pastures domestic cities


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