That’s it, another iconic building in Szolnok is being demolished – Szol24



The city administration started rampant parking construction in the months before the municipal elections. While several rural towns are taking steps to create car-free downtowns, or at least to develop pedestrian areas, Szolnok is heading in the other direction this time as well.

The wooden houses next to the Fiumei Úti Általános School are probably familiar to many. It’s not pretty, but the locals are simply used to it, and many have pleasant memories of this once lively place. We have to travel back in time to the early 1970s, when they were built and housed the first grade of the Ságvári körút and Kassai út schools. The two new buildings came into being at the peak of the demographic waves at the time.

The institution, which also functioned as a daycare center, later became a Care Center and a Club for the Elderly. Located in the heart of the city, the wooden houses were easily accessible by public transport, and it was no coincidence that they operated for more than thirty years.

The garden was considered a fresh spot of color between the panels, where the elderly could relax and do whatever they wanted. In addition, qualified social workers took care of people in need.

This sight was burned into the retinas of every Szolnok resident

However, the area has been unused for a long time, which Ferenc Szalay also noticed, as he announced that, in accordance with the increased needs, a 72-space, 2,700 square meter parking lot they build instead of wooden houses. After the Móra park, the clinic, the kindergarten, the kindergarten and the Aldi, another construction and renovation is starting in the area. Together with the parking lot, a new public park will be established with the help of Szolnok Városüzemeltetesi Kft. The wave of parking lot construction seems to be flooding the city, since Ispán körút 1-3. similar works are expected in the area behind no.

Another question is whether the trees in the photo will survive the development. This would not be the first example in recent years where the greening plan supported by words would backfire, think of Alcsi or the Tiszaliget, where they always find a sufficient explanation as to why huge 30-40-year-old trees have to be cut down.

No one will enter through this door

While taking the photos, we were approached by an elderly gentleman who expressed his concern about the investment: “It didn’t make much sense that it was empty, but it would still be easier to renovate and utilize it than to tear it down,” he said.

The project is shared by the public and the people living in the area. According to some, erecting parking garages would be a solution to the ever-increasing number of vehicles in the city center, while others believe that Szolnok would rather have a pedestrian street. Others see that elections could be held more often, because it cannot be attributed to chance that in these periods the productivity of the candidates and their desire to do something for the city increases again and again.

In any case, there was no sign of work when we were there, for now the leafy trees dominate the area.

The “trash collecting fairy” will soon have a lot to do

Author: László Milán Nagy

Photos: Levente Vajó

The article is in Hungarian

Tags: iconic building Szolnok demolished Szol24


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