Index – Homeland – A dead grandmother and a man born 116 years ago were notified that they can vote

Index – Homeland – A dead grandmother and a man born 116 years ago were notified that they can vote
Index – Homeland – A dead grandmother and a man born 116 years ago were notified that they can vote

I would like to request information on what kind of database they work on, and how can it happen that my grandmother, who died 7 years ago, received an election notice? His name (…), married name (…), died in January 2017, I am attaching the death certificate

– a HVG reader addressed the National Election Office with this letter, after their deceased relative was also mailed the official notification that they were included in the voting district register, and where and how they can vote on June 9.

A plus twist in the story is that a strange thing happened in their neighbor, because a man born in 1908 was informed about the upcoming European Parliament and municipal elections, who moved to another country in the 1980s. In other words, not only has he not lived at this address for decades, but – even if he were still alive – he would have turned 116 years old.

In response to the inquiry, the National Electoral Office (NVI) drew attention to the fact that the data was incorrectly included in the personal data and address register kept by the Ministry of the Interior, as the contents of the notices and the polling district list are compiled based on that.

In order to remedy the circumstances, we contacted the staff of the Ministry of the Interior so that you would not be inconvenienced further, as a result we were informed that their records will be clarified in both cases

– announced the NVI.

The Personal Registration and Administration Department of the Deputy State Secretariat for Record Keeping of the Ministry of the Interior responded with unusual speed to the complaint that was also sent to them: they deleted the incorrect data from the register.

However, according to András Litresits, the socialist delegate of the National Election Committee, this in itself is hardly reassuring.

“It is more than worrisome that the Ministry of the Interior keeps the citizens’ data so imprecisely, which is then taken over one by one by the National Electoral Office. While, according to the relevant paragraph of the law on the electoral procedure, the office’s task is to “continually update the data of the central register”, he commented on the case.

The article is in Hungarian


Tags: Index Homeland dead grandmother man born years notified vote


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