We are organizing a conference on maternal burnout

We are organizing a conference on maternal burnout
We are organizing a conference on maternal burnout

Motherhood is a wonderful journey, about which almost only positive opinions have been expressed in the public discourse in recent decades. Fortunately, this is no longer the case; we can and should talk about the fact that being a mother is not just pink mist and baby smell, but often a very difficult, trying task, even a burden, which also affects women’s mental health. As a women’s portal, our central topics have always included issues of mental health and motherhood, so we realized that it is not enough to discuss the topic of maternal burnout – which affects more and more women – within the framework of the online space. THE Femcafethat is EMMA Association and P&A Productions jointly organized by the Mom is fine(?) conference, which revolves around the topic of the mental well-being of mothers with professional presentations, discussions, and star guests, thereby starting a real social dialogue in this very important area.

Let’s talk about maternal burnout!

Many mothers struggle with the burdens and roles imposed on them by society, but they do not necessarily identify with them. Many people don’t dare to talk about it. After all, according to popular opinion, a mother is strong and always well, even if she is not… There is not enough attention to ensure that mothers are well enough mentally and in other areas of their lives to be able to calmly fulfill their countless roles.

Today, in 2024, it is more necessary than ever to draw attention to the mental and spiritual health of women and mothers, who tend to lose themselves under pressure from many directions, to care for them and the importance of self-care. Our conference itself is an exclamation point: we want to help, start a dialogue, and support with professional presentations how important it is for the whole family that the mother is well. Burnout affects all of us, especially women and mothers trying to please everyone. Let’s prevent it, let’s do it together, so that mothers, and therefore children and families, are well. Let’s help those affected by maternal burnout together.

Star speakers, round table discussions, expert speeches

We have put together the program of our conference in such a way that we can explore the topic of maternal burnout from as many angles as possible. In addition to personal stories, visitors to the event can learn about special points of view such as Eszter Malonyaieh, who is that? EMMA association will speak about maternal burnout from the perspective of the assistant. Marianne Peller host, mother joins our event as moderator of a round table discussion, in which Wheeled Victoria life coach cheat,
Vida Ágiwith the author of Kismamablog, expert in baby psychology, Dr. Linda Szijjártó with a psychologist, organizational developer, Zsuzsi Werner-Tóth will talk with a maternal burnout specialist, the founder of Mombalance.hu, and Eszter Malonyai about “the sunny and burnt-out side of motherhood”.

Zsuzsanna Stumpf personality development field trip “Help, I’ve become a mother!” In his presentation, we can find out what symptoms indicate maternal burnout and how we can start the path to recovery, and he will also share important thoughts about the most important, zero milestone, prevention.

Gabriella Jakupcsek recognized writer and journalist, and presenter examines parenthood with his interlocutor in a very special, new approach, in the context of “mother and time”, Adél Szajki-Vörös journalist with producer. After all, maybe we don’t even think about the important role of time in motherhood, which we have to learn to deal with again after the birth of a child, whether it’s about agendas, me-time or just the passage of time or the challenges associated with having children relatively late.

During the breaks of the discussions and lectures, the stands of the exhibitors related to the topic await the visitors.

Date: 23.05.2024. 16.00 – 20.00

Location: Magnet Ház (1062, Budapest, Andrássy út 98.)

You can find the exact program on the event’s Facebook page by clicking here!

Ticket purchase

Tickets at HUF 3900 can be purchased by clicking here! Among the ticket buyers, we will draw from Ágnes Vida’s latest book, “Kids and gadgets – How does digital media affect your child?” 5 pieces from the book.

(We reserve the right to change the program.)

The article is in Hungarian

Tags: organizing conference maternal burnout


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