HVG Books: Dilemmas of career change: Should I go or stay?


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HVG Books

HVG Books

On the one hand, the career change may stem from an internal need, if we cannot identify with our original career decision. On the other hand, external pressure can also cause the need to change, if we do not have the opportunity to find a job according to our qualifications. Excerpt from Renáta Szabó’s book Career and Self-Knowledge.

In most cases, the need for change does not appear as a sudden realization, but gradually matures in us. First, there is often a general dissatisfaction with the job, the reason for which is not sure to be understood. Before moving on, it is important to find the source of dissatisfaction, because if we cannot see it ourselves, it will be difficult to formulate what we are looking for in the next job.

A common antecedent of course correction is a lack of commitment to the first chosen direction, we didn’t really see what we could expect in the given area. Or even if certain information is available, self-awareness may be lacking, comparing the characteristics of the courses with our self-image. For example, how do I relate to the fact that I have to carry out tasks according to strict instructions during the entire working time? How do I feel if I have to make calls most of the day?

As the years go by, we are shaped by our work experiences, and we see the career opportunities expected in the given field more and more realistically, and knowing these, we can decide again where to go next. It is not only at the beginning of the career path that we can determine which path to take, the career path is full of small and large decision situations in which we can make corrections. Many people are almost ashamed to talk about during counseling that they want to change, that they feel guilty, that “that ship has already sailed” and that they have to bear the consequences of their bad career choice for the rest of their lives. However, wherever we are, no matter how old we are, we can always make changes.

One vivid example of this is Edith Eva Eger, who became a psychologist at the age of 51. It is written by the highly successful The decision In his book (The Choice), regarding the dilemma of a late career change, when he told his manager that he wanted to get a PhD in psychology but was unsure because he would be 50 by the time he finished, the manager replied that he would be 50 anyway. So time definitely passes, the only question is whether we will try to start on the path that we feel is our own.

External conditions

There are situations when it is not a question of whether to go or stay, because external changes require us to rethink our relationship with our work. As a result of the Covid epidemic, for example, many people changed areas because their livelihoods in hospitality, the hotel industry, or the performing arts became uncertain. Financial burdens caused by increasing inflation may also make it necessary to change careers; or in the case of single parents, the multi-shift work schedule is difficult to reconcile with the children’s school schedule.

It is also common that after having a child, family logistics can only be solved with flexible working hours, and we also have to adapt to our partner’s work. Even a move can induce a career change, because in a given region it is not possible to continue the career you have started. There are professions that are linked to country, language or even season: in Hungary, for example, few marine biologists can find a job, ski instructors need another source of income in the summer, Hungarian law degrees cannot be interpreted abroad, and so on.

Many people are forced to develop alternative career paths because there are few open jobs in the field corresponding to their qualifications, and health changes are often the reason behind the career change. Ágnes Király, for example, was working as an archaeologist at a hectic pace when she developed health complaints. In connection with this, he immersed himself in the topic of healthy lifestyle and nutrition, which is how he found fermentation, which is now his area of ​​expertise, he holds courses and writes books on the subject. At first, the goal was to create an ideal diet for himself, he began to share this knowledge in a Facebook group, which became tens of thousands of members, and from this his business grew.

Internal needs

Change can not only be caused by external circumstances, in many cases it starts from an internal need. Such is the case when our work-related values ​​change, for example, if we previously chose a job because of the prestige of the profession, or the financial aspects were decisive, but later professional development becomes more important, which was not satisfied by the previous job.

The need for self-realization can also surface if the current job has run out of challenges. It is a common precedent that at the beginning we drifted with the possibilities, and with the development of self-knowledge we would choose a different profession. It happens that certain activities or interests were already present in the life history, which we develop or develop further in the later stages of development, and we take on work in which this also appears.

This is what happened, for example, in the case of Milutinovits Panka, who has been one of the best-known Hungarian food stylists for years. In an interview, he told us that he was always attracted to creative professions, and that food played an important role in his life since childhood. He drifted away from this direction during his career choice and graduated with a degree in humanities. After a few years of work experience, he found his way back to creation during a job search period, and started photographing food in an interesting, unique arrangement. As he gained more and more practice, it became clear to him that he can best express his creativity in the creation of compositions. In his case, it is much more of a rediscovery of an earlier interest, which he began to see as a career opportunity.

Domestic patterns

In a domestic research, career changers were asked about their motivations and several patterns were identified. One of the most common is the group of entrants to multi, whose motivations for switching did not include a sense of vocation. It is common that during their previous work they acquired some ability that they can use in the multiworld. In the case of those who leave their original profession, the decision to leave somewhere is usually made first, and only then do they find the multis job; a kind of “get away from here” type decision is made, the decisive factor is rather the repulsion from the previous work. But a typical motivation is when multitasking seems like a logical next step in your career.

The second group of career changers is that of senior executives leaving the multiworld. In their case, it is most often not a question of coercion, they initiate the change themselves. At the same time, the significant majority leave the workforce and become freelance consultants or start their own businesses. In many cases, they also leave the business world and start looking for some kind of value creation at work. In this group of career changers, the most common is a career break, as a well-deserved rest after a stressful period. For them, quitting is the result of a personal and conscious decision, not a drift. Typically, they leave the professional path less often, they strongly build on the competences they acquired in the past, which they later use in a new role or environment.

In most cases, the reasons for leaving are to be found in unfavorable organizational changes, but it is also common for a career to end when they reach the end of a stage and there are no more opportunities for further advancement.

A separate group was formed by those who changed not only jobs, but also careers at an above-average rate, the researchers named them jumpers. They also commute between sectors and labor market statuses, and a common motive behind this is to return to an original idea, when they change the desired direction when choosing a career after detours.

You can observe the search for a way, when what they really want crystallizes in the people involved through several changes, and in the light of this, they make more and more conscious career decisions. These changes in direction are often made possible by a secure existence, and are typically preceded by active preparation, they often return to school or train themselves in a self-taught manner.

The above article is by Renáta Szabó Career and self-knowledge edited part of his book. You can order the book here at a discount.

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Tags: HVG Books Dilemmas career change stay


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